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tv   KPIX 5 News on the CW  CW  December 15, 2013 10:00pm-10:31pm PST

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wild west now. it's just, people just walk up to you and just feel no fear. >> armed robbers are running wild. terrorizing bay area college kids. a bay area girl is left brain dead after a routine surgery goes horribly wrong, and a community in the streets fighting to end a rash of gun violence. new tonight, something went wrong and a bay area teenager has gone from having her tonsils removed, to brain dead in a matter of days. the 13-year-old's family gave us this picture of her. the girl went into surgery at oakland children's hospital on monday, and was supposed to get out the next day. but the nurse noticed extensive bleeding from her nose and
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mouth. the family says on thursday, she was declared brain dead. they're now fighting to keep her on a ventilator. >> the family wants to keep her on as long as possible. as long as her heart is still regular and she's still stable and they're still giving her medicine for her statement tonight about jah quote, "we are very sad abo arts go b l ood pressure. still giving her iv fluid. we believe in miracles. >> the hospital sent us this statement. we are very sad about her condition, and our hearts go out to her family, we are currently reviewing the case. people in vallejo rallied tonight to remember a handful of people killed by gunfire in just the last seven days. more than two dozen homicides reported in the community this year. and the community has had enough. >> reporter: vallejo homicide victims are remembered with still another vigil. up from ten from 2009. >> 2014 will be a year of
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peace. i just pray that your presence will overshadow this place, and your people call out to you oh, god for comfort and peace. >> i see a community center where teenagers have a chance to get off the streets. it's hard. >> reporter: the organizer says budget cuts have shut down community centers. places young people need. >> a place where they're not afred to express they're feelings of pain and anger, and have someone who is going to steer them in the correct direction and they will actually consider the advice given to them. >> reporter: one may wonder if a group of well meaning people can counter the violence. >> i think sometimes you have to take a risk and speak up. i think sometimes that gives people courage to stand up with you.
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i think when we bond together, it will change. >> reporter: it may seem like just another vigil for homicide victims like so many we've seen in the bay area in the past several years. the folks who came here tonight say they want to make a commitment, and a change, and end the violence. >> organizers are also pushing the cause on social media. you can join in the conversation on facebook under stop the violence in vallejo, vigil. a teenage girl shot in the head in a colorado high school is in a coma tonight. investigators say 17-year-old clairedavis was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time when a heavily armed classmate stormed the school library. they say 18-year-old carl davidson was looking to settle a grudge with a teacher. petterson killed himself as school security closed in. >> the school issued an immediate lockdown of the facility. the quick response by our resource sphears caused the
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children and the staff of this facility to be safe. >> students will be allowed back into the school tomorrow, but only to get their belongings. classes are canceled through the end of the week. people near the cal campus are on heightened alert tonight after a recent rash of robberies. there were five just last week. the latest was early yesterday morning on derby street near willard park. two students say they were going to the park to watch a media shower when two men approached from behind. police say the victims were held up at gunpoint. >> it's like wild west now. people just walk up to you, and just feel no fear. they're willing to give me your phone or else. >> the suspects were a couple of men in their 20s, both about 5'7". an apartment fire started a little after 9:30 this morning.
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firefighters did get it under control quickly, but smoke and water damaged left at least a dozen apartments unlivable for now. the air out there is downright disgusting. it's already produced a record string of spare the air days. tomorrow's likely won't be the last. why the heavy haze just won't let up. >> reporter: the filthy air is visible throughout the bay area. >> this yellowish, hazy, you know, smog. >> reporter: tomorrow's alert is the 13th since the winter spare the air season began on november 1. this record breaking consecutive nine day run is caused by an ongoing weather pattern. >> it's kind of like a, you know, smoking in a stuffy room. >> reporter: high pressure is holding pollution close to the ground. >> we set this record with six days. we may likely double that before we finally get a chance in the weather pattern. >> reporter: the air is especially harmful to children,
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the elderly, and those with respiratory conditions. >> just recently, i've had to start using my inhaler. >> reporter:wood burning is banned indoors and outdoors with exceptions for homes where wood burning is the sole heat source. if you're caught violating the wood burning ban, you have two options. you can take a wood smoke awareness class, or pay a $100 fine. future fines go up after that. in the newsroom, kpix 5. people in new england are busting out the snow plows again. watch as these cars struggle to gain traction on the ice covered roadways. the massive storm dumped from 5 to 15 inches of snow and sleet across the northeast over the weekend. it spanned more than 1,000 miles and caused more than 1,000 flight cancelations nationwide. including a dozen at sfo this weekend. the brutal weather killed a man in the midwest hours after
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his own wedding. william knight of indiana was headed home with his new bride last night when he stopped to help a driver who's car had slid off an icy road. that's when three separate cars slammed into him. >> he was just being a good samaritan. unfortunately, it cost him his life. >> knight was an army veteran. the driver he stopped to help was also hit and killed. she was a first grade teacher and a mother of three. nelson mandela has been laid to rest following a colorful celebration of his life. a portrait of the former south african president gazed down own mourners at the funeral service. the final farewell to a man who changed the face of a nation. >> reporter: south africa's military carried nelson mandela's casket down the road of his childhood village.
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high ranking officers marched the coffin to the family gravesite. then paused for prayer before lowering it into the ground. >> this morning, we are compelled to give god honor and to thank him for the life of madiba. >> reporter: jets flew overhead, followed by three military helicopters towing south african flags. his memorial service began with a 21 gun salute. then his flag draped casket was placed on cow skins. 95 candles lined the stage. one for each year of the nobel peace laureate's life. some 4500 guests joined his widow, and former wife. prince charles and oprah winfrey were among them. president jacob zuma will
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unveil this statue at the very place mandela became president. >> nelson mandela did a lot for our country, south africa. >> reporter: the statue will serve as a symbol of reconciliation and unity. danielle noting ham, cbs news, south africa. and one of the greats of the acting world, peter o'toole died this weekend. a look back at his long and celebrated career. >> reporter: peter o'toole was a little known actor when he took the lead role of lawrence of arabia. an international star, and won him his first oscar nomination. other big roles followed. king henry ii, opposite richard burton in beckett. henry ii the second time
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opposite to katherine hepburn. 8 oscar nominations, most recently for venus in 2006. he failed to win every time. an academy record. he did win off the screen in 2003. health problems forced him to give up booze in 1975. he embraced his image as an excentric. reliving his lawrence of arabia role with david letterman in 1995. peter o'toole said if you can't do something willingly and joyfully, then don't do it. a great actor dead at 81. tesla has a new auto in the works, and the price could give
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you sticker shock, in a good way. >> and we can see the full moon out there tonight, but clouds roll back into the forecast. we'll tell you the chances of rain and when to expect it as the news continues here on the cw. >> later a california woman sets out to buy some holiday gifts and gets a surprise proposal instead. ,,,, a subaru... ...are the hands that do good things for the whole community: the environment, seniors, kids, and animals.
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that's why we created the share the love event. by the end of this year, the total donated by subaru could reach 35 million dollars. you get a great deal on a new subaru. we'll donate 250 dollars to a choice of charities that benefit your community. it feels good to be a helping hand.
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the halls of u-c berkeley m never sound the same. this magnificent organ is t newest addition ♪[ music ] the halls of uc berkely may never sound the same. this magnificent organ is the newest addition to hertz hall. it replaces an electronic organ, and brings a much richer experience. >> it provides a really important recital instrument, with 35 speaking stops, 3,000 pipes. it's a big piece of equipment on the campus, then of course it gives the students access to an enormous number of different kinds of music that they can play on it. >> the organ was built in 1982, and refurbished over the summer. it came to hertz hall from a
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church in delaware that didn't need it anymore. tesla is planning to roll out a cheaper electric car to boost sales. it would be available in 2015. the model s starts at more than $70,000. that's also what you will pay for the new suv tesla plans to debut next year. some east bay bus riders are in for a wild week. ac transit is revamping its roots after years of cut backs. some things to note, line 76 in san pablo is being rerouted to better serve hans middle school. 72m adding more service on saturdays. and service is being streamlined along 49a, that means fewer stops. >> i've heard they're going to be changing summer routes. i wasn't sure as to which ones. >> the driver's union tried and failed to stop the route changes. they're still in the middle of
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the contract dispute with ac transit. that cooling period ends in about a week. there is one bus you'll definitely want to catch if you can. the ac transit holiday bus is back. this year, it's free. you'll know it if you see it. it's all decked out in holiday spirit. the bus runs a different route each day. rides are free through january 3. well santa has a long night ahead of him, what better way to get ready than a little run. the santa run was held this afternoon in san jose. hundreds of people took part, many in costume. for some it was about having fun. others it was about motivation. >> wanted to stay fit, and keep active in the holiday season, so we don't gain more weight. >> the registration fee for the 5k walk and run helped celebrate christmas in the park and the downtown ice skating rink. visitors have always started flocking to christmas tree lane in palo alto, the
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spectacle along fulton street near embarcadero road attracts thousands of people every year. >> i think it's great that they're willing to let all the kids stomp all over their yards to see the sleigh and hear night before christmas. that's what our kid did. they'll go through all of this effort for strangers really. it's a great community. >> christmas tree lane is now in its 73rd year. you can see for yourself through december 31. roberta in tonight. boy, the weather has changed. it's a little warmer, so a great time to be out and look at those lights. >> it is rather mild out this evening. we will not see temperatures dipping down to that freezing point. take a look at this. we do have a beach hazard statement in effect until tomorrow afternoon. westerlies will continue to build up to 10 speeds off ocean beach. water temperature, 53 degrees. a lot of people flocking to the ocean and the beaches because take a look at our pinpoint
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weather forecast for santa cruz, topping out at 74 degrees tomorrow. again, the water temperature at 53. we do have had a beach hazard statement in effect for rip currents and also for sneaker ways. never turn your back on an angry ocean. let get to it. today's highs, a little warmer than yesterday. banking between the 50s at the beaches. upper 50s in san francisco, spot on for the time of the year. 64, which is average in livermore. low 60s santa clara valley, and to the north, and napa are numbers in the 40s across the board, except for san francisco at 53 degrees. tonight, coolest temperature dips down to 34, 35. otherwise low, mid-40s, across the central bay in the low to mid-40s. temperatures average 8 to 15 degrees above normal for this time of the year over the next couple of days. we do have a slight chance of rain showers returning to the bay area by wednesday night. an inner of low pressure to the south going to stay there. area of low pressure to the
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north, that's going to chuck into our bay area. eroding the ridge of high pressure. until then, it's a stagnant ridge of high pressure. therefore, the air mass is stagnant as well. that's why we have all of that dinghy air mass. we need a good breeze to work its way in there. not until about wednesday afternoon, or wednesday evening at the earliest. monday's high, easily 70 toward stockton. low 70s across monterey bay and pebble beach. upper 40s in the lake tahoe area. it is cold enough in the evening hours to make the snow. 60s coming around the peninsula tomorrow. low 60s in half moon bay. 70degrees well above average for this time of the year in throughout willow glen and also alvisito and ellen rock. low 60s in vallejo.
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near 70 in santa rosa. again for the next 24 hours, it is illegal to burn indoors or outdoors. spare the air. here you go. the extended forecast on tuesday, slightly cooler than on monday. then by wednesday, temperatures pretty average, but we'll notice increasing cloud cover leading to that slight chance of rain showers. then with the passage of that front, we'll have the cooler air mass with highs struggling to get out of the 50s. then struggling to get highs out of the 60s. >> you just see nothing. there's nothing out there. >> maybe towards the 28th, 29th, but this doesn't look big at this particular time. thanks, you've got to check out this next story. a sacramento woman got more than she bargained for on a holiday shopping trip this morning. she walked out with an engagement ring. jorge garcia spent more than a
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month planning this secret flash mob proposal to his girlfriend. and look at that. she said yes. to top it all off, it's her birthday. what a great celebration, we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,, [ laughter ]
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he loves me. he loves me not. he loves me. he loves me not. ♪ he loves me! that's right. [ mom ] warm and flaky in 15, everyone loves pillsbury grands! [ girl ] make dinner pop! [ female announcer ] holiday cookies are a big job. everything has to be just right. perfection is in the details. ♪ pillsbury cookie dough. make the holidays pop!
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black hole at the coliseum today--they helped fill up barrels with toys. the marines held their annu 'toys for tots drive -- whh benefits needy families durg before raiders fans filled up the black hole at the coliseum, they helped fill up
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barrels for toys. fans were asked to bring a new toy and drop it off before today's raiders/chiefs game. as you can see, they came through in flying style. we're counting down to the 49ers last game at candlestick park. if you don't have tickets, you can catch the game on kpxi next monday, december 23. after that, bye bye baby, our look at historic moments from candlestick over the years. did the 49ers fall into that trap game category? alex smith did something he never did at candlestick park. ,,,,,, ♪ ho ho ho
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[ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant tomato florentine soup, it took a little time to get it just right. [ ding ] ♪ but finally, it happened. perfection. at progresso, we've got a passion for quality,
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that happen to the 49ers toy in tampa, start the clock ♪[ music ] after emotional wins in sports, a lot of teams are
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prone to let downs in the following game. would that happen to the 49ers against tampa? colin kaepernick files a deep ball. on the other end, what? wow, what a reaction. the 49ers avoid the trap game. vernon davis touchdown. the raiders hosting alex smith an the chiefs. smith had a perfect quarterback rating through 5 touchdown passes. 4 to that man. jamaal charles scored five total touchdowns. matt mcgloin picked off four. all chiefs. kansas city clinches a playoff spot. amazing come back by the matt flynn packers. and the warriors got the
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bounces tonight. suns beat the warriors, 106- 102. phoenix actually has a better record. the warriors 13-12. the raider running back who was going to win that, has won that job over darren mcfadden who never got on the field. >> thank you. we're going to talk about some more games. check this out. forget video games and gadgets, one of the hottest holiday toys harkens back to a simpler way of life. is just a piece of wood attached to a swing attached to a ball. it's selling out. the kids say the simplicity allows them to be creative. >> throw the ball up, and then you try to get the ball on it it. the main objective is to hit every single one and then hit the spike at the end. >> is it really hard? >> yes. >> it dates back hundreds of years, and parents love it for the best of reasons. it doesn't make a lot of noise.
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>> it's not a video game. >> i know, that's why i like it. >> we'll see you at 11:00 on kpix 5. ,, ,,,,,,,, [ laughter ]
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he loves me. he loves me not. he loves me. he loves me not. ♪ he loves me! that's right. [ mom ] warm and flaky in 15, everyone loves pillsbury grands! [ girl ] make dinner pop! [ female announcer ] holiday cookies are a big job. everything has to be just right. perfection is in the details. ♪ pillsbury cookie dough. make the holidays pop!
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can you confirm that the straps are tight? [groaning] yes. but this one's a little... and now the chains! a lot of people think that magic camp is just for kids. and that's why so many other people in my class were kids. self-fulfilling prophecy. it's, um, really for anybody


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